
HUD Audit for FHA Mortgage Lender 

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) requires audits of entities participating in various HUD programs.  For example, residential mortgage lenders who provide FHA loans must re-certificate their status with HUD by submitting audit reports on their financial and compliance issues.

Annual recertification

In order to maintain FHA approval, each lender must complete an annual recertification package within 90 days of its fiscal year end. For 2022, the deadline to recertify their FHA approval on 2022 information is March 31, 2023.

Difference with regular financial statement audit

HUD Audits must be performed in accordance with the most currently effective Government Accountability Office generally accepted government auditing standards (GAGAS), auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America (GAAS) and HUD audit guide. In addition, HUD audits requires many additional reports and schedules that the regular audit does not demand. These regulations and requirements are updated frequently.  Therefore auditors must educate themselves to meet the requirement of the standards. 

Tax Planning and Reporting for Gift and Estate

The federal estate tax is imposed on the transfer of an individual's property at death and on certain other transfers considered the equivalent of a transfer at death. The tax is imposed on the decedent's taxable estate plus the decedent's post-1976 lifetime taxable gifts that are not included in the gross estate.


The federal gift tax is imposed on the lifetime transfer of property from an individual to a donee for less than adequate and full consideration. The transfer may be direct or indirect and is measured by the value of the property passing from the donor. In essence, all transactions in which property or property interests are transferred to another for less than full and adequate consideration are gifts subject to the gift tax.

한국에 거주하는 미국 영주권자 / 시민권자의 미국세금보고 

미국세금보고의 대상자

미국세법에서는 미국 영주권자와 시민권자 그리고 미국에 일정기간이상을 체류한 외국인 또한 미국 거주자로 인식하고 이들에게 세금보고의 의무를 지웁니다. 미국에 체류를 하지 않고 있다고 해서 세금보고의 의무가 없어 지는 것은 아니며 기술의 발달로 인한 정보공유의 원활함으로 인해 세금보고의 필요성이 어느때보다 가중되었습니다. 


미국세법의 가장 큰 특징은 미국 거주자가 되어 세금보고를 해야 하는 경우 전세계에서 발생하는 모든 소득이 보고의 대상이 됩니다. 따라서 미국내 소득뿐만 아니라 만약 한국에서 발생한 소득도 보고 대상입니다. 구체적으로 근로소득, 이자/배당금 소득, 임대소득, 양도소득 등이 이에 포함됩니다.

추가적으로 위의 소득과 함께 한국에 있는 금융자산 또한 신고 대상입니다. 최근 많은 분들이 FBAR와 FATCA라는 용어를 들어 보셨을 것입니다. 일반적으로 한국에 있는 은행계좌에 천만원이상의 잔고가 있었으면 계좌가 있는 은행이름과 계좌번호, 그리고 잔고등이 세금보고서에 신고됩니다. 

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Why us?

Not every CPA is qualified to assist cannabis business and estate tax planning and conduct HUD program audits . Cannabis industry are under ever-changing business environments in terms of law and license requirements.  HUD audits have specific audit, reporting and disclosure requirements and failure to comply can result in large penalties, increased overhead or even disqualification from HUD programs. In addition, estate planning requires in-depth and multi scenario approach. California Board of Accountancy requires each auditor who perform audit to take a peer review process. We recently passed the peer review. Our qualified and experienced tax and audit team provides tax and accounting services for cannabis industry, FHA mortgage lender and high net worth individuals at an affordable price.  

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